Friday, March 5, 2010

Blog Post #9: South City

What is your favorite part about living in South San Francisco? What is your least favorite? Have you lived anywhere else? (please answer with a minimum of five sentences)


  1. personaly, there is no favorite part about living in south san francisco. i am from chicago. so, i have no interest in living on the west coast. i miss the strong winds, the snow, and the great outdoor b-ball. everything is better on the east. including the food. chicago style pizza.

  2. gbildhauerMarch 08, 2010

    my favorite part about living in south city is not the weather. I think i just like living in South City because its the only place ive ever lived. my favorite part is that all my freinds live in the same neigborhood as me. if i could live anywhere else it would be Lake Tahoe. I would live there because i love the weather there.

  3. My favorite part about living in South City is the diversity and the close commutes to stores and what not. I’ve lived in Daly City before and I still like it, but I prefer South City better. It’s less crowed then Daly City and when I look back on it now, it’s weird. What I don’t like about South City is that I get tired of seeing the same things over and over again. If I could I would want to live in San Francisco, it just has more exciting things and I love the city life.

  4. Rochelle RMarch 08, 2010

    My favorite part about living in South City are my friends and the places where my friends and I hang out in. My least favorite part about living here is the bipolar weather. It ruins things. I have lived in many areas. I have lived in Santa Clara(still there on weekends), El Carte(sp?), Kansas, San Francisco, Concord, CA, Daly City(currently live), Fremont and Colma.

  5. My favorite part living in South San Francisco is that I could be with my friends and go to the mall or movies. Mt least part living here is the weather and living kind of far from my friends. I have lived in San Francisco and Daly City. I liked San Francisco better then South City and Daly City, because the weather is sometimes a little better, and I have more friends and family that live there. Also because they have more places to go.

  6. I would have to say that the best part about living in South City is that it’s not a very busy city. Everything is pretty local around here, or in walking distance. Then again my least favorite part is that it is that is that there’s not much to do, like in a city. I like San Francisco because it’s nice; the different parts but theres not much to do. The only other place I have lived in Sacramento, but that was when I was in the first grade and my mom was trying to get her masters, but it was way too hot for us.

  7. my favorite part about living in south city is that my friends live here. other than that i really dont like it. i hate it actually. i dont like anything about south city. i hate the enviroment, the cops, EVERYTHING. i lived in spain for pretty much my whole childhood. & then i moved here.

  8. Khyrstyn PMarch 08, 2010

    The best part about living in South City is that it's reletivly quiet most of the time so I can relax often in my room, listening to music or reading a book. I've never been outside California before and I've lived in the same house for fifteen years so no I've never lived anywhere else before. My least favorite thing about South SanFrancisco is that it's a filthy place, amlost like no one cares about cleaning up after themselves. I guess I should expect that wherever I go.

  9. Let's see, let me start from the bottom up. When I was about six or seven my family and I moved here from San Francisco. Uh, the good thing about South City I guess would be the people I've met. I see it this way, if I never moved here when I was a kid then I'd never have met my best friend. The bad thing about living here is there's no hot guys to look at. Hey, but what do I know? I'm just a teenage girl hopped up on hormones.

  10. Actually, I don’t live in South San Francisco. I live right on the border of Daly City; I just transferred here because my brother didn’t want to go to El Camino. However, keeping that fact aside, my favorite part about living in South San Francisco is that it’s generally quiet here, without all that shooting drama that goes on at places like Alameda. It feels a lot safer here, even though there are still fair amounts of shootings (like the one near Manila Oriental a couple weeks ago). My least favorite part, though, would have to be the weather. Personally, I prefer hot weather over cold weather, probably because I feel like trash when it’s cold. Even though some would say that they prefer cold weather as to not get all sweaty, at least I get to eat ice cream. I have lived somewhere else when I was really young, and that somewhere was Hong Kong. I stayed with my grandparents there for about four years before moving back here. Maybe the dramatic change in weather caused me to dislike the coldness here.

  11. Patricia ElvinaMarch 08, 2010

    My favorite part about living in South San Francisco is that I can be close to where my relatives live. I also like the envirement here. My family moved here so we can have a better and cleaner life. I have lived in the Philippines when I was a little girl and moved here at the age of 5. My least favorite part about San Francisco is being away from my other relatives in the P.I. I can only visit every 3 years or so.

  12. Elissa ParkerMarch 08, 2010

    My favorite part about living in South SF is that its closer to mose of my friends and its easy to get around most things are in walking distance but that is also the bad part SSF is way to small there isnt many places to go like at all its so boring i wish it was more fun out here and more exciting. Im bored of SSF I want to g on adventure to somewhere new! and have fun

  13. Felicia AnselmoMarch 08, 2010

    My favorite part of South City is how diverse it is. There’s so many different ethnicities living in this area which means you can learn about various types of cultures. My least favorite part of living here is the weather. The weather is so unpredictable! You really never know when it’s going to be freezing or boiling hot. I use to live all the way in San Francisco. But I don’t think it’s not that different from living here because it’s right across the bridge and San Francisco is also pretty diverse.

  14. Leiela Kapewa-LatuMarch 08, 2010

    My favorite part about living in South San Francisco is that its close to the city. I LOVE THE CITY, the closer the better! I HATE THE FOG and the bootsy weather! But it'll do. I Havent really lived anywhere else but have been a lot of places. When i get older i would want to go to LA and live there just because of the scene. Plus south city doesnt really seem like its going anywhere. So two fingers and im OUUUTTTT! adios south city it was nice knowing ya!

  15. Jeffrey A.March 08, 2010

    Living here in SF is a pretty nice place. There's alot of stuff here. Great people, great food, cloths, everything that you need. Right now it's not going so good since the economy is going straight down. It really sucks how schools, jobs, almost everything is getting shut down because of that. I would love it if things got back together. Now everything just sucks. Makes me want to cry.

  16. audelzarcoMarch 08, 2010

    well i like living here in south city i love that everything is close by and that i have all my friends here but i dont really like the weather because its really weard 1 day its sunny and the next is cold or raining. but i have lived in other places like san francisco, daily city, mexico and sacramento. and im a summer type of person so i love the warm sun. so i really liked living in sacramento and mexico. but i would really like to move to miami it sounds like alot of fun so kant wait till i move out on my own because im planing on moving to a warm place =)

  17. My favorite part about living in South San Francisco is being near all my friends and just the place in general. South San Francisco is not the dream place to live but its really nice, like its usually sunny there. The least favorite thing is traveling one place to get to the next. South San Francisco is kinda far from everything so thats a hassel. I have lived in Daly City and San Francisco before but that was when I was really little. I'd rather live in San Francisco though, I grew up there so its like home to me.

  18. Well I have personaly lived in South City all my life. I think that the best part about living in South City is that its for the most part a calm place to live, they keep the City nice like its great parks like Orange Park, and another thing I love that others might not like is the weather I like it when the weather is nice and cool not all sticky and hot. I really love South City and I never want to leave. Although South City is a great place to live the only thing that I don’t like Is that the homes to buy and to rent are very expensive more expensive so if me and my family would move we would have to move out of South City because were we live now is the cheapest you can get for a decent home to rent. But besides the cost of living in South City it’s simply a great place to live I grew up loving living here and I still do.

  19. my favorite part of living in south san francisco is its close to tanforan and serramonte, my least favorite part of living in south san francisco is that its too small. i lived in daly city once.

  20. Neriel RebolosanMarch 09, 2010

    The best part about living here at South San Francisco, California is that it is in the Bay Area, the weather in here is always perfect, like it is never too cold or too hot, and almost everything you need is here. An example would be schools, churches, grocery stores, shopping centers like Tanforan and Serramonte, and your friends live near you too. The bad part about living here in South San Francisco, California is nothing much except for gang relating stuff. If it wasn’t for that, this area would’ve been the perfect and safest place to stay around the whole bay area.
