Monday, May 17, 2010

Keyboarding Blog #16: Final Projects

Are you working on your final projects fro English or Social Studies? Are you all finished? What is your topic? What other major stuff do you have going on with the end of the year fast approaching?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Keyboarding Blog #15: Exercise

Now that the weather is getting (mostly) nicer- it's time to start getting outside more. What is your favorite sport/activity that you do for exercise? Do you like to hike/bike/play team sports/play individual sports? Describe what it is that you like to do, why you like it, and what are the best circumstances for it. (Remember, minimum five sentences with complete words)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Keyboarding Blog Post #14: News

How do you regularly get your news?
PART ONE: (Minimum three complete sentences, please)

  • Do you watch news on TV?
  • Do you ever read newspapers?
  • Do you look at online news sites?
  • Which places do you consult?
  • Do you think it is important for people your age to be up to date on news?

PART TWO: (Minimum two complete sentences, please)
Summarize (in your own words) the inverted pyramid writing format (use the following links for your research:

Monday, April 12, 2010

Keyboarding Blog Post #13

The U.S. Postal Service has honored many individuals from presidents
to singers to cartoon characters, by placing their portraits on postage
stamps. Whom would you nominate to honor with a postage stamp?
Using a minimum of five complete sentences, be sure to explain whom you would choose and
explain why that person should be honored with a postage stamp.
Support your ideas with examples and details.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Blog Post #12: Globetrotter

If you could go on a trip to any one location in the world for one month, where would it be and why? Write (in a numbered list) five reasons you would want to travel to this place. (This could be five activities you want to do while there)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Blog Post #11: Spring

In just one week, you will have a full nine days off of school. What are you going to do with your time? Are you going on a trip? Do you have special plans? Do you have a project you are taking on? Do you have some movie or a book you are catching up on? (Remember, a minimum of five full-word sentences, please)

PART TWO: Yesterday was the Vernal Equinox. Use the Internet to research the following:
What does Vernal mean?
What does Equinox mean?
What can someone supposedly do to a hard-boiled egg on the Vernal Equinox?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Blog Post #10: How Things are Made

If you could go and visit any company or factory to see how anything was made- where would you go and why?
Take a guess of at least five steps it would take to make the product you have selected.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Blog Post #9: South City

What is your favorite part about living in South San Francisco? What is your least favorite? Have you lived anywhere else? (please answer with a minimum of five sentences)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Blog Post #8: Power Outtage

The power was out at school for the last two hours of class on Friday. My old apartment (where my friends still live) had the power out for 12 hours straight this weekend.

What do you normally do when you have a power outtage at home?
Are there any fun games that you play/ things you do?
What is the biggest bummer from a power outtage?
What is the coolest part about it when it happens?
What was the longest stretch you remember the power being out for?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Blog Post #7: Dinner

If you could go to dinner with any TWO people in the world (historical or real or living or dead) who would it be and why? (remember five sentences using full words please)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Blog Post #6: Carnival

1. Why do people celebrate Carnevale/Carnivale/Mardi Gras/Shrove Tuesday?

2. Where are two of the most famous Carnivale celebrations (one in South America and the other in Europe)?

3. What does Mardi Gras translate into? Where is the biggest celebration of Mardi Gras in this country?

4. What do they make on Shrove Tuesday in Britain?

5. So if all this happens on Tuesday--- what happens the next day- on Wednesday?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Blog Post #5: Media

What is your favorite piece of media (magazine, tv show, website, radio station)? Tell me about it. What is it about? Describe parts of it (use a minimum of five completely constructed sentences- no "texting lingo" please).

Monday, February 1, 2010

Blog Post #4: Groundhog's Day Eve Day

Tomorrow is groundhog's day. Please use the Internet to research and answer the following questions. (One sentence per number)
1. What does it mean if the groundhog sees his shadow?
2. What does it mean if a groundhog does not?
3. Where does the official groundhog live.
4. Does he have a name? (Can you find it?)
5. Do you personally predict that the groundhog will see his shadow tomorrow?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Blog Post #3: Tickets

Pretend you just called into a radio station and won the best tickets you could possibly get. What are thickets for? A concert? A show? Who's performing? Where's the venue? Describe these ideal tickets and say who you would bring to the show. Describe why these are the best tickets in existence....

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blog Post #2: Invention

Imagine that you have the technical skill and financial backing to make a brand new invention and market it. (Remember, compose at least five sentences, please- and BE CREATIVE!)

* What would this invention be?
* What problem would it solve?
* Are there other products that exist today that try to solve the same problem that your invention does?
* What would you call your product in stores?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Blog Post #1: Blogs

Please answer the following questions using at least eight sentences (~two per question). Do not retype the questions. Post your comment under your name (select Name/URL under Select Profile pull-down menu. Leave the URL section blank)

Suggestion: Type in Microsoft Word so that your work will be less likely to be lost

1. In one or two sentences, define a blog.
2. Have you ever written a blog before? Read blogs before?
3. Do you regularly read any blogs?
4. What would you create a blog about?